When you have .ovf file from VMWare and get the following message:
“Host resource of type “Other Storage Device (20)” is supported with SATA AHCI controllers only, line 47″
The quickest solution is to open it with any text/xml editor, and
1. replace word “ElementName” with word “Caption” in the whole file
2. replace “vmware.sata.ahci” with “AHCI”
Oct 18, 2015 -
Thanks for this post. It solved the host resource issue and allowed the appliance import to start. However, the import failed due to mismatched hashes in the modified file. Any ideas how to get past this one?
Failed to import appliance …/Win7.ovf.
The SHA digest of ‘Windows7-x64.ovf’ does not match the one in ‘Win7.mf’ (VERR_MANIFEST_DIGEST_MISMATCH).
Result Code: VBOX_E_FILE_ERROR (0x80BB0004)
Component: ApplianceWrap
Interface: IAppliance {8398f026-4add-4474-5bc3-2f9f2140b23e}
Oct 18, 2015 -
I was reading this: https://blogs.oracle.com/fatbloke/entry/moving_a_vmware_vm_to
They suggest: “Resolution: Delete the “mf” file and start the process again.”
Can you try?
Oct 18, 2015 -
Actually, I realized I just needed to compute a new SHA1 hash for the modified ovf file (sha1sum on linux) and replace the old one for the new on in the mf file. That worked fine.
Mar 17, 2016 -
Great post. After replace tags in file ovf, I generated a hash sha1 and put it in *.mf file.
I used the sha1 generator that download in this link:
Jack Lu
Jul 25, 2017 -
“Resolution: Delete the “mf” file and start the process again.” it work