Archive for Linux - page 3

Rename multiple files~ How to disable password authentication for SSH~ Mount encrypted volumes from command line with Luks~ How to mount a HFS partition in Ubuntu as Read/Write?~ Change extension to multiple files~ How to take MySql dump (backups)~ Preserve bash history in multiple terminals~ How to take mysql dump~ Run one process (or more) into tmux~ Check DNS nameservers information about host addresses~ How to purge the cache of a page~ Checking the Validity Date of an SSL Certificate~ How to restart network interface~ How can I monitor the memory usage?~ Default max heap size~ How to convert the ^M linebreak to ‘normal’ linebreak in a file opened in vim?~ find difference between two text files with one item per line~ how to extract the first and the last x lines of a big file~ How to remove the ^M return character on Linux~ Find difference between two text files with one item per line~ How to check git changes~ How to list all users in ubuntu/linux~ Bash: Match a word in a string and return the word preceding it~ Delete all files in a folder which don’t match file extensions~ Check space in a disk~ wget – how to mirror only a section of a website~ Move files older than 30 days in current folder to~ How to generate a secure random password~ How to retrieve Perforce password.~ How to get your online secret key directly to your terminal without saving it.~ The request to Suspend this virtual machine failed because the corresponding VMware Tools script did not run successfully.~ BASH Rename all file in a directory~ How can I edit the welcome message when ssh start?~ Find text including subdirectories in ubuntu~ Install the JDK on Ubuntu server~ Copy files with progress bar on terminal~ Decrypt file encrypted with old/primary master key~ How to remove the private master key from your laptop.~ my minimum dot bashrc file~ Add and append text to a file~ Network Connections and network protocol statistics – netstat~ Bash: TAB completion to be case-insensitive~ Get a list of all the cron jobs on a Debian based system~ Why use 64bit?~ Fork bomb~ Sniffing network packages – tcpdump~ Update the timezone~ How to install Java 6 on Ubuntu 12.04~ Search for a specific string inside a directory matching the files’ name~ Re-build the keyboard setting~ Size of a directory~ New IP~ Search for a file in a specific folder matching a string~ Resolve UTF-8 issue in Linux Console~ Untar a file/folder~ Linux basic command: cat, replace, redirect stdout to a file~ SSH Public Key Based Authentication — Howto~
How to check git changes

How to check git changes

git log -p

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How to list all users in ubuntu/linux

How to list all users in ubuntu/linux

cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd

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Bash: Match a word in a string and return the word preceding it

Bash: Match a word in a string and return the word preceding it

The following shows how to match a word in a string and return previous word. The following will return “word1” base on “=” as a search term sed: echo "bla bla word word1 = string1 string2" | sed -e 's/.* \([^ ]*\) =.*/\1/g' perl: echo…

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Delete all files in a folder which don’t match file extensions

Delete all files in a folder which don’t match file extensions

find . -type f ! -name "*.jpg" ! -name "*.JPG" -delete

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Check space in a disk

Check space in a disk

du -cs * .[^\.]* | sort -n du / |sort -n

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wget – how to mirror only a section of a website

wget – how to mirror only a section of a website

wget –mirror –page-requisites –adjust-extension –no-parent –convert-links –directory-prefix=sousers

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Move files older than 30 days in current folder to

Move files older than 30 days in current folder to

find . -mtime +30 -exec mv {} old/ \;

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How to generate a secure random password

How to generate a secure random password

I believe 50 char are good enough. head -c90 /dev/urandom | base64 | sed s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]//g | head -n 1 | cut -c 1-50

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How to retrieve Perforce password.

How to retrieve Perforce password.

Open the terminal and write echo $P4PASSWD

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How to get your online secret key directly to your terminal without saving it.

How to get your online secret key directly to your terminal without saving it.

wget -qO- http://your-secret-link.asc | gpg -d

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