Archive for Linux - page 6

Rename multiple files~ How to disable password authentication for SSH~ Mount encrypted volumes from command line with Luks~ How to mount a HFS partition in Ubuntu as Read/Write?~ Change extension to multiple files~ How to take MySql dump (backups)~ Preserve bash history in multiple terminals~ How to take mysql dump~ Run one process (or more) into tmux~ Check DNS nameservers information about host addresses~ How to purge the cache of a page~ Checking the Validity Date of an SSL Certificate~ How to restart network interface~ How can I monitor the memory usage?~ Default max heap size~ How to convert the ^M linebreak to ‘normal’ linebreak in a file opened in vim?~ find difference between two text files with one item per line~ how to extract the first and the last x lines of a big file~ How to remove the ^M return character on Linux~ Find difference between two text files with one item per line~ How to check git changes~ How to list all users in ubuntu/linux~ Bash: Match a word in a string and return the word preceding it~ Delete all files in a folder which don’t match file extensions~ Check space in a disk~ wget – how to mirror only a section of a website~ Move files older than 30 days in current folder to~ How to generate a secure random password~ How to retrieve Perforce password.~ How to get your online secret key directly to your terminal without saving it.~ The request to Suspend this virtual machine failed because the corresponding VMware Tools script did not run successfully.~ BASH Rename all file in a directory~ How can I edit the welcome message when ssh start?~ Find text including subdirectories in ubuntu~ Install the JDK on Ubuntu server~ Copy files with progress bar on terminal~ Decrypt file encrypted with old/primary master key~ How to remove the private master key from your laptop.~ my minimum dot bashrc file~ Add and append text to a file~ Network Connections and network protocol statistics – netstat~ Bash: TAB completion to be case-insensitive~ Get a list of all the cron jobs on a Debian based system~ Why use 64bit?~ Fork bomb~ Sniffing network packages – tcpdump~ Update the timezone~ How to install Java 6 on Ubuntu 12.04~ Search for a specific string inside a directory matching the files’ name~ Re-build the keyboard setting~ Size of a directory~ New IP~ Search for a file in a specific folder matching a string~ Resolve UTF-8 issue in Linux Console~ Untar a file/folder~ Linux basic command: cat, replace, redirect stdout to a file~ SSH Public Key Based Authentication — Howto~
Size of a directory

Size of a directory

du -h | tail -n 1 du -h

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New IP

New IP

sudo dhclient

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Search for a file in a specific folder matching a string

Search for a file in a specific folder matching a string

for file in *.jar; do echo “working on $file”; jar -tvf $file | egrep -i *.gif; done

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Resolve UTF-8 issue in Linux Console

Resolve UTF-8 issue in Linux Console

Add the following line to your .profile: export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8

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Untar a file/folder

Untar a file/folder

tar -zxvf filename tar -C /myFolder -zxfv filename.tar.gz

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Linux basic command: cat, replace, redirect stdout to a file

Linux basic command: cat, replace, redirect stdout to a file

Some  basic: Write Hello into a (new) file called Hello.txt Redirect stout to a file echo Hello > Hello.txt Print to screen every single line of a file (Hello.txt) cat Hello.txt Replace letter ‘e’ with ‘a’ inside a file (Hello.txt) cat Hello.txt | sed s/e/a/…

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SSH Public Key Based Authentication — Howto

SSH Public Key Based Authentication — Howto

The SSH protocol is recommended for remote login and remote file transfer which provides confidentiality and security for data exchanged between two computer systems, through the use of public key cryptography. The OpenSSH server provides this kind of setup under Linux. It is installed by…

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