Tag archive for networking

How to add route on Mac

How to add route on Mac

Let’s assume the IP is only accessible through the VPN, then you can use route command to access your destination IP through the Gataway. To view you route table on you Mac you use the following command: netstat -rnf inet route -n get…

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Network Connections and network protocol statistics – netstat

Network Connections and network protocol statistics – netstat

netstat -nltp where -n Displays active TCP connections, however, addresses and port numbers are expressed numerically and no attempt is made to determine names. -l Show only listening sockets. (These are omitted by default.) -t Display only TCP connections. -p Shows connections for the protocol…

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Get a list of all the cron jobs on a Debian based system

Get a list of all the cron jobs on a Debian based system

I’m sure you have one time or another wondered where all the magic is happening on your servers. Anything from how and why the logs are rotated, why your desktop icon says “20 packages can now be updated”, how is the Apache cache cleaned when…

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Sniffing network packages – tcpdump

Sniffing network packages – tcpdump

Sniffing packages is extremely useful when debugging any network related traffic. Some of you are using a graphical client such as Wireshark, which is very nice when you’re debugging on your own computer. However this is inconvenient (and outright a pain to use) if you’re…

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